As with all decisions we approach here, we start with a criteria. While you may have come here to join the others who are looking for answers, solutions or community around living with Psoriasis… the truth is, we all have a unique recipe that makes us all who we are, individuals with unique needs and situations. So, it has always been my advice to create a “criteria” that helps you sort through the waves of products, opinions, videos, claims and even a few snake oil sales pitches. =)
Lets find the best sunscreen for psoriasis mature skin.
I live in the south. A tropical environment. It is humid and mostly warm year round. As you can imagine, we are not short for sun. I want to treat both skin on my face and on my body with the best sunscreen for psoriasis, mature skin. I’m looking for the kind of sunscreens that won’t irritate my sometimes already irritated skin.
So now that we have a basic outline, lets explore the criteria I used for my own Psoriasis friendly sunscreen for my mature skin.
1. Fragrance Free: In general, fragrances are irritants. When looking for any product for my skin, I avoid fragrance like the plague. Of course I like good smelling things, but, not when it makes my skin feel like burning.
2. Wearability: Absorption in to the skin. This one took some learning before I knew to insist on quality absorption or “drying” of the product on the skin. I also want to ensure that I can get the strongest, longest lasting SPF coverage. We want sunscreen that is going to stay on our skin and not rub off on clothes. Most applications do suggest a period of letting the product settle on the skin so that it can be water / sweat proof and provide the best coverage once exposed to SPF. I also have tattoos. I want the best performance possible to protect the integrity of my tattoos as well. So High SPF, High absorption, and long lasting wearability, sensitive for my mature psoriasis skin.
3. Availability: I don’t leave the house. I need things that will ship for free to my home. NOT everything has to come from Amazon, however, it’s the first place I turn to. I have also not always lived near stores that carry the more obscure sensitive skin products. So, online commerce is the generally the name of my game.
4. Budget: Like most things in life, you can spend as much or as little as you like. I’m looking for products that aren’t too expensive to provide the effect I’m looking for. For example, if I find a sunscreen that is awesome for my psoriasis on my legs, and I want to use it daily, it can’t cost a small fortune. So frequency of use needs to be considered in setting your budget. For me, Im a sub $20 kinda guy.
5. Good Vibes: I like finding the simplest, cleanest products for my skin as I can. I like to support companies that align with my values. I vote with my dollar. I don’t like shipping water across seas… that seems wasteful. etc. So for sunscreen for my mature psoriatic skin, we have to feel good about the products we choose.
Physical Sunblocks for Psoriasis Mature Skin – Body
1. Mineral based sunscreens: these product come from some of the most well known skin care companies. It’s no longer hard to find, difficult to track down mineral based sunscreens. You will remember old school mineral based creams by their very obvious heavy white appearance. Times have changed and so have mineral based sunscreens. They may still have a white “cast” on the skin, but no more are heavy white “tribal” warrior marks necessary for good coverage. I have found that Zinc Oxide based products are extremely sensitive, they don’t attempt to permeate the skin, they are designed to sit on top of your skin and literally create that physical barrier between your sensitive mature skin and that big ol sun.
2. UPF Fabric: Wow, what an education. Who knew you can find sun protection in fabrics. You can find hats, long sleeve shirts, shorts, pants, skirts you name it. UPF fabrics open a whole new option to be considered. Depending on your activity, UPF fabric offers a long lasting, cost effective option. The UPF is in the fabric and also creates a highly effective and highly reusable option. These products should be seriously considered for long sessions outdoors, even in the pool!
Physical Sunblocks for Psoriasis Mature Skin – Face
There is a ton of controversy and news around sunscreens made in America. Oddly the Korean, Australian and European products are more advanced and leverage more technology than is currently available in the U.S. Because those other markets are regulated by agencies other than the US-FDA. Other countries have regulations that allow for more elegant cosmetic products to be developed with new ingredients and new UVA and UVB technologies. With that being said, I’m super excited to introduce:
1. Physical Sunblocks that don’t leave huge white tribal smudges all over one’s face. We now have the option of mineral, physical sunblocks that have a very light or non existent white cast. These are awesome for use on the face. There are a few that even include very effective moisturizers. These are also very effective for visible tattoos. Because these sunblocks don’t have the white cast, tattoos can still be visible. The most important thing I’ve learned about sunscreen is find the one you will wear!
1a. Waterproof Sunblocks: the deal with waterproof or sport sunscreens is that they are only waterproof for so long… also… they require you to apply and then wait for up to 20 minutes before hitting the water! Just remember to reapply as directed by the product. It can range from 1-3 hours. Be safe, do it every 2 hours.
2. UPF Fabric: again, this is another awesome discovery. Hats, visors are all now made in various shapes, styles and fabrics. All of these fabrics actually have the UVA/ UVB technology built into these wearable that do a lot better than most topical creams.
I certainly hope the above recommendations help you craft your criteria and determine which products will work for you. See my recommendations at the following links:
The Best Sunblock for my mature psoriasis prone skin – Body A few disclaimers to get out on the table upfront. I’m not a medical doctor of any sort, especially NOT a Dermatologist. I have lived with psoriasis for more than 50 years. I choose not to take any prescription medications to manage my psoriasis. I very much listen to, read…
The Best Sunblock for my mature psoriasis prone skin – Face A few disclaimers to get out on the table upfront. I'm not a medical doctor of any sort, especially NOT a Dermatologist. I have lived with psoriasis for more than 50 years. I choose not to take any prescription medications to manage my psoriasis. I very much listen to, read…
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