I’ve lived with Psoriasis for my 50 plus years on the planet. Over the years, i’ve applied tribal knowledge (a combo of old wives tales and lots and lots of trial and error) to trying to find the most effective gentle cleanser for psoriasis. After tons and tons of failure, I have successfully developed a “criteria” for which to scrutinize gentle cleansers for psoriasis for my purposes. For example: Choosing a gentle cleanser for Psoriasis prone skin means:
- No Fragrances: as much as we may love them, fragrance is in general an irritant. Even if derived from essential oils. Different skin on the body will react to things differently. No need for the extra if it feels like burning. Smells good but feels like burning, no bueno!
- Testimonials: I want to read testimonials from other consumers who are also looking for a gentle cleanser for psoriasis prone skin and / or are over 50ish. Are the reviewers my age, gender or in a similar location or trying to solve a similar problem that I too am trying to solve. Do they state success with an issue I am specifically trying to solve for. For example: ” I have a patch of plaque Psoriasis on my back…” (this is personal, and, meaningful because, I do as well.)
- Accessibility: I’m not trying to lead anyone in to the jungles for an exotic toxic slug hunt or whatever. Heck I barely leave my own home. I need to know that a gentle cleanser for psoriasis is available via Amazon and local retailers. Its convenient. If its works, i want to know i can get it again, easily. Accessible also means affordable. The other thing I have learned over the years is that you can spend as much of your money as you want to on skin care. Set a budget. I tend to be on the cheaper side of things. If I find a product that provides outstanding outcomes, well, sucks if you can’t realistically afford it. So manage that issue up front, going in to your research and you won’t get yourself in to a situation of not being able to afford the amazing outcomes your looking for.
- Good Vibes: This is a very fluid set of things like, “I’d like to not pay for shipping water across the seas.” or “Of course it must be cruelty free” and “I’d rather not allow my consumerism to contribute to as many of the ugly things in the world as possible”. I find in general, a gentle cleanser for Psoriasis that gets flagged by this third criteria is off the table instantly. Example: A german skin care company: at one point in their history: had a corporate representative suggest he would rather members of the LGBTQIA+ community not use their company’s products. Sure, times have changed, Executives have changed. I’m just not interested in putting my money in places like that. Hence, Good Vibes.
Create your “Criteria”. I find that when researching new ideas, products or services it’s extremely important to establish a criteria for product selection. As you have read above, I have mine. You will need yours. Your criteria will be unique and special to you and your situation. Stick to your criteria, especially the budget part and do your best research to find the things that work best for you.
All product articles in my blog will contain my criteria for their accolades.